Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Funny Felines

Today,  I bet all my toys that I will have you HOWLING with laughter when you watch this!

And,  know I will not tell you what it is about,  just watch...
So a little funny, I think I said it was VERY funny just to get you over excited!
Shame it had a  CAT in it,  Enzo is his name: (snort) But in any case I should not over do my
complaining about that CAT.
Today I also got some tinned sardines (the CAT got some as well)  which I don't agree with,
Do you?

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Teeth Terror

Today I was just sleeping in my Bed when I saw the Terror that awaited me.
                                                              The deadly TOOTH Brush
                                                    At once I new that it was coming for me...
                                                                      I made a dash for it...
                          I ran to the Sitting room were i sat by the arm chair and hoped...

                                                        Go away, my teeth are fine (even though they have                                                        layers of muck on them)
                                                       She got me, and 'ooow' how I hated it.             
                                                                 But now I am OK, i guess.
                                                                                  Enid x

Friday, 3 August 2012

A Break from reality

Last Monday me and my sister's and my Daddy went to Devon to have a Sunny break from  reality
I was reunited with my darling
His name is Murffy and he is my dearest friend!

Besides having a lovely time I did have a little accident.
I hurt my paws and had to be taken to the Vets
to get Bandages. But now they have healed and I am back HOME.
Oh, I miss him soooooo much, perhaps I will see him again.....
Any way back to reality, when I got back i fell ill with the worst illness of all...
LOVE Sick and I got Conjunctivitis, Mummy had to get some strange  drops for my Eyes.
so I was in the Wars...
Not any more.
Enid x