Wednesday, 21 August 2013


I'm back!!!!!!!!
I am so sorrys for my longs absents but it has been so verys inconvenient ever since we moved thats I haven't beens able to write even if I really wanted to, because guess what???......
We haven't had anys internets! The chumpy BT  persons were nots at all attentives to my poors Humans.
The Black Cat is back (Enzo) since my Humans decideds they loved him too
dearly to give him
away. I am nots exactly happys that he is back but I would not wants him to be sent aways to a place 
he did nots like.
I am enjoyings my new house verys much, there are next door peoples to play with and LOVELY Walkies to go a'sniffing on, so all ins all I love it here!
I hopes all of my dearest Doggy friends have been up to lots of stuffs in my absents
and have missed me.
I wills be sure to drops by and catch up on all yours adventures, but for now,
I'll be back!!!
Enid x