Hooooray! The love of my life, CHARLIE gaves me dis Most Influential Blogger Award! I'm so exciteds thats I finely gets to share with you
Whats you gotta do is this:
Post somes of your favorite songs on your blog and thens pass on the award to ten other bloggers so they cans do the sames!
I must confess I hads such a tricky times trying to choose whats songs to play to all you doggies with your high standards and pawsomes taste in everything. So anyway, sit backs, makes your butties comfortables and click on the enhanced text below to listens to my playlist....
Song number 1
Song number 2
Song number 3
I hopes you liked them! I can'ts wait to hear everyone elses songs! Now fur choosing ten other lucky doggies to take on this wonderful award, here goes.......
1. Tweedles
2. Mitch
3. Molly
4. Amber Da Weenie
5. Dobby
6. Sarge
7. Dory
8. Murphy
9. Stanley
10. Nola
Have a fun Influential Friday my furiends!
Enid xx