Friday 22 August 2014

Influential Friday

Hooooray! The love of my life, CHARLIE gaves me dis Most Influential Blogger Award! I'm so exciteds thats I finely gets to share with you my very classy tastes in music  I mean my favorite songs!

Whats you gotta do is this:
Post somes of your favorite songs on your blog and thens pass on the award to ten other bloggers so they cans do the sames!
I must confess I hads such a tricky times trying to choose whats songs to play to all you doggies with your high standards and pawsomes taste in everything.  So anyway, sit backs, makes your butties comfortables and click on the enhanced text below to listens to my playlist....

Song number 1 

Song number 2

Song number 3 

I hopes you liked them! I can'ts wait to hear everyone elses songs! Now fur choosing ten other lucky doggies to take on this wonderful award, here goes.......

1. Tweedles
2. Mitch
3. Molly
4. Amber Da Weenie
5. Dobby
6. Sarge
7. Dory
8. Murphy
9. Stanley
10. Nola

Have a fun Influential Friday my furiends!

 Enid xx



  1. Wow Enid…. you look like a super model posing wiff your award.
    Be still my little heart.
    Ps…. Sorry Charlie…. but she does look amazing.

    1. Watch it Ranger. I've already got my eye on Tweedles. Don't tell me I gotta watch you too. Now I know why Bouncing Bertie has Godzilla for a girlfriend, aye?

  2. Very eclectic song choices Enid!!! I likes them! I thinks I would choose the pajama song as my favorite, cause wells it's right at my level!! BOL
    I have to agree with Ranger, that pose you gots goin' on with the awardie is mighty sexy gurl!!!
    Ruby ♥

    1. Just as well you're a sheila, aye, Ruby or I'd have to watch you too. Mmmmmmmm! I don't have to do I?????

  3. Hello Enid! We've heard so much about you from Charlie and we're glad to finally meet you! He's so smart and has the best taste, doesn't he? We enjoyed your favorite songs a lot, especially the pajama song. We would be charmed to have you visit us at The Daily Bone.

  4. Crikey Enid ..... I haven't got time to listen to your favourite songs just now but I'm saving them for later. I just know they WILL be VERY classy. Just like you!!! OMD that picture ...... what to say!! Soooooooo beautiful. It's going in my collection. What is about you and black dogs? Now you've got Ranger all a flutter!!!!
    Love always .... your Charlie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Charlie, ain't ya ever heard - once ya go black, ya don't go back?

      I'd watch out.

    2. Crikey Whitley ..... you did tell me that before but I didn't wanna believe you. My Enid's the exception, aye? Matter of fact she's exceptional!!!!!!!!!

  5. I knew it Enid!! I knew it! I knew you'd have the most fantastic taste in music. That pyjama party one with Charlie and Lola. I've been a Charlie and Lola fan forever and Doris Day .... Crikey Enid .... I love you a bushel and a peck too. AND a big hug around the neck. But that last piece Enid ..... That was so beautiful and so special. Just like you! I knew you would love something like that. Oh I wish I could listen to that with you beside me. Crikey Enid ..... you are so special!! I've gotta be the luckiest bloke in the world, aye??
    Your Charlie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. Hi my friend! What a cool post this is! I did listen to your favorite songs,, and cause I like to wear jammies,, I like the jammy song..
    I thank you for nominating me,, but my mommy does not know how to find songs and stuff-- shucks- she can't even find anything on the puters...
    and has been lazy about helping me with awards,,,, so please do not feel bad.. if I can't share ,,,,,, But I am honored,, and that photo is the most beautifuls of you

  7. Congratulations on your award Enid. Well deserved. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  8. These are wonderful song choices, Enid, and thank you so much for choosing us! hummmmmmmmm - we gotta think on this..........

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  9. You look like Vanna White with your award.

  10. Congratulations Miss Enid,
    Wally & Sammy


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