Thursday, 28 May 2015

Oh Sun, Glorious Sun!

I'm back! So sorry to haves been away and aloof all this time buts, you know whats these Hoomans can be likes; distracteds by lots of 'important' things when really they shoulds be helpings their doggie to do their bloggy! Anyway, while we were away from Blogville, since the sunshine is just startings to show its face, I've been teachings Bunnie how to sunbathe in style!
As you all know, I love the sun and lie outs in our Mummy's garden all day if I gets the chance (a girl must sun herself to keeps looking good). So I thought it was high time little sis, Bunnie had a go!

We starteds off sunbathings on the warm pattio......

Bunnie watched the bugs and butterflies (and the camera) with bewilderment......

Most interestings, I must say
I recieved the scents and messages being carried by the wind.........
We're such lucky doggies to haves such a sublime garden to sunbathe in! Our Mummy is a very keen gardener (though I'm too chic for it myself) and it just so happens that her passion is so strong, its contageous and has rubbed off on Bunnie who has become quite the gardener! She follows Mummy around while she's gardening and helps her pull up weeds (though sometimes she gets confused and pulls up the wrong ones) and she loves to smell the flowers.

Then it was times to hand it overs to Bunnie to gives you a tour of Mummy's garden.
Hello everyone, Bunnie here. Lets get started with the tour!
First up: a white Lylic flower. These are so pretty and smell lovely.....

Second: Purple Iris.....

Thirdly: Mummy's herb patch, including Mint, Goosberries, Rhubarb and the little blue shed in the background......

Then Mummy's favourite of all......

Her roses....

Then last but not least, my favourite thing......
This fairytale bench  I like to sit under with my toys!

We hope you've enjoyed the little tour of our garden! We'll be back soon.
Enid & Bunnie xx