Tuesday 28 August 2012

Funny Felines

Today,  I bet all my toys that I will have you HOWLING with laughter when you watch this!

And,  know I will not tell you what it is about,  just watch...
So a little funny, I think I said it was VERY funny just to get you over excited!
Shame it had a  CAT in it,  Enzo is his name: (snort) But in any case I should not over do my
complaining about that CAT.
Today I also got some tinned sardines (the CAT got some as well)  which I don't agree with,
Do you?


  1. OK I tried to laugh. I did just a bit. I always say "Go Cat" when I want to chase them.

  2. BOL comment from Goose! Have a great Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly


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