Monday 10 March 2014

The WINNER is...

Hey there Everyone!
Today I'm goings to be announcings the WINNER of my annual Dress-Up Dog Contest! And yes I have decideds to makes it an annual occasion, so each year we wills all be dressing up! But today is also a bits of a sad day, since there must only be one WINNER and that is the hard thing, because if I coulds I would give ALL of you prizes buts I can't...So anyway, lets get on with this! So doggies, run outsides quickly to do a pee, grab a treat, bone or food of some description, then find yourself a seat and sit tight! I present to you doggies...The WINNER of the annual Dress-Up Dog Contest!!!...........

 Thanks you verys much Mitch and Molly furs entering! Your photos are splendids!
 Please clicks HERE to email me your Address, postcode etc so thats I can send you the PRIZE!

And thanks you so much, all you other doggies furs your time and effort you've put into these photos (I think every singles one of the photos had something specials abouts it).

Well I'm here I woulds also likes to introduce you all to a verys special doggie I met a short while ago in Blogville...

This is Charlie, my beloved boyfuriend!

He even drew me a HEART! He is so verys lovely and rathers new to BlogLand with verys little followers so please give it a click and visit his pawsomes blog HERE
Well, I guess its till next time my furiends!
Enid xx


  1. Congratulations to Mitch and Molly! Their photos were pawsome!

    And wasn't that sweet of Charlie to draw you a heart in the sand.

  2. Congrats to Mitch and Molly.

    An' whut's not to luv 'bout that Charlie dood!

  3. Well done to Mitch and Molly and well deserved. That was a fun event and good idea to do it again next year. Have a marvellous Monday Enid
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Congrats to Molly and Mitch! Charlie is a very cute boyfuriend.

  5. Congrrats to Mitch and Molly! You look grreat.

  6. CONGRATULATIONS TO MITCH AND MOLLY !!! WE know and LOVE them. AND we say Congratulations to YOU, Enid fur the super wonderful contest!!! It was very much fun, and we look forward to it again next year.

  7. Thank you so much, Miss Enid! This contest has been superfun and there were so many fabulous photos!
    We're off to visit Charlie. He is a very handsome boy!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  8. Crikey Enid ... I knew Mitch and Molly would win your competition. Didn't they look great? Congratulations you two!!!!! I voted for Molly but I thought Mitch looked great too. Such a lovely pair, aye??
    You are not just beautiful Enid ... you've got brains too. What a good idea it was to have such a fun competition. I'm going to enter next year too.
    You put my heart on your page ...Crikey!!!!!! I'm so honoured. I'm going to introduce you to all my friends like that too. You are so smart Enid. I would never have thought to do that. I just told all my mates to go and look at your blog. Much better to show you off on my page. Thanks for being my Sheila. I'm sure one VERY lucky bloke!!!!!
    Love always ..... Charlie xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    ps Mitch and Molly said Love ya lots and put a little heart there. How do they do that? Crikey I got so much to learn about this blogging stuff. You blokes are all soooooo clever. I LOVE hearts!!!!!!

  9. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Congrats to Molly and Mitch! Charlie is very handsome. Even though he is taken, I am going to pounce on over to his blog now...

  10. Congrats to Mitch & Molly, they looked great!! Thanks for the fun contest Enid!
    Mr Bailey. Hazel & Greta

  11. Molly and Mitch looked wonderful - congratulations! Next time I'm going to enter the contest.

  12. Congratullations to Mitch and Molly! What a fun time we all had.

  13. Congrats Mitch and Molly! And I luvs Charlie, he are one awesome dude.

  14. O...M...D Enid...Sammy is have BOYFRIEND!!! Dog-oh-dog he is going to be whining and whimpering about this for days to come *sigh*

    BIG congrats to Mitch and Molly for winning - LOVED your entry guys!!

    Wally (and heartbroken Sammy)

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  16. Hi Enid,
    We get the little heart at the end of Love ya lots by hitting the alt key and then the #3 key on our keyboard. Hope this helps!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  17. Well done Mitch and Molly. They loo fabulous in their fancy dress.
    Have a wonderful weekend Enid.

    Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie.


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