Monday 11 August 2014

Mellow Monday Walkies

Today me and my Hoomans went on a mellow walkies which was a littles dull fur me, buts I'm sure all you doggies know hows lazy peoples can be when it comes to epic, longs and marvelous walkies.

The sun was shining and there was a fresh buts cold breeze as we set off on our amble.

While my Hoomans stood admirings the view (which was verys boring and uninspiring to me) I took a big leap and bolted aheads of them!

We passed some mysterious lookings boxes piled up, a strange buzzing noise was comings frum dem and I wanteds to go investigate. So as I advanced on the boxes, a sweet, thick smell filled my nostrils and enticed me to go in closer (coulds there be some sweet treats insides the boxes?). Suddenly, a small buzzing ball came flying towards me, and I knew, I was in trouble, so I ran and ran until the angry ball gave up and flew away!

 My Hoomans said the buzzing thingy was somethings called a Bee, and they makes sweet, runnys syrup called honey that peoples eat! I've nevers had an encounter with a Bee before, have you?? If you haven'ts you sure are lucky cuzz they're terrifying!!

Despite my traumatic experience we carried on with our walkies, past the swayings pink flowers...

Some red, yummy lookings berrys...

I coulds feel Lady Autumn slowly creepings up on me....

Whats a beautiful place to come fur a mellow Monday walkies.
I hope you doggies have been on a special walk as well today....
Until next time,
Enid xx


  1. it was a beautiful place for a walk and it looks like you got some good running in too with those bees chasing you :)

  2. Yikes bees????? Still looks like a nice place for a walk Enid. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. OMD, Enid, you look like you're FLYING in those pictures!

  4. What a beautiful walk! Bummer that you didn't get to taste any of that honey, Enid!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  5. A great walk Enid, just about wore us out watching you run, Barharhar!

    The Mad Scots

  6. Crikey, Enid ..... be careful, aye?? Don't you know those bee blokes STING and when they do you swell up like a big fat balloon. Stay away from them Enid. They're nasty critters. What's wrong with your Hoomans letting you get chased by a BEE? We are fast though, aye?? We can out run ANYTHING. Even a flying bee. That sure is a pretty place for a run though. I so wish I was there with you. I LOVED the photos of you running. I'll get Mum to add them to my collection hanging up in my crate so I can dream of runnin' through those beautiful open fields with you.
    Love Always ...... your Charlie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  7. What a beautiful place for the hoomans to walk, and you to stretch your legs. Bees aren't so bad, but I have gotten stung by wasps, and my leg swelled up to the size of my head. Eek!

  8. What a beautiful spot to go walking...or zooming, in your case.
    Wally & Sammy

  9. Such a pretty walk! We love your zooming picture!

    Monty and Harlow

  10. Enid,,, it was a beautiful walkie-- but ,, oh my gosh,,, be careful of the bees!
    So many pretty things your showed us,,, I love your world!


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