Saturday, 30 March 2013

The Perks of Being Poorly

Today, dear Doggy friends I must tells you of a great disaster  that occured a few days ago....
I have (which I am sorrys to say)  RING-WORM!!!  It is only very milds but my Humans are not alloweds to give me fuss or hugs, so the perks of being poorly are very fews I am afraid! But Mummy said I should have lots of VITAMINS so she treated me to... CHICKEN LIVERS, they were so verys heavenly I have the taste of thems in my mouth whenever I think about them.

Yesterday evening I had, for the seconds times, a very unpleasant experience.  A BATH.  My Humans had to shampoo me with special doggy stuffs.

     Uuuw, oh lordys...  MUM!!!

                                                    Mum, PLEASE stop...

Oh thanks goodness!  Its drying time...

                                   Now I'm all clean, drys and warms.  And on the ways to getting better.
                                    Enid X

P.S If any of yous lots have had this Fungal infection (you have my sympathies), and anys tips would be very welcomes.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Sick Day, Wishes and a New Toy

Yesterday I was feelings very ill.  I was sick that morning (I mean I was throwing up sick) It was so very energy draining! And my humans went out that afternoon and lefts me all alone, they did not even stop to think of my poorly condition.
So to make up for it, they gave me a lovely new TOY!

                                                      Please, please give it to me!!!
                                           Oh yeeh, I will bite and chew and chew!

                                     But this morning my humans discovered what I had done!
                                                              I had destroyed it!!!
                                                              It was soooo FUN.
                                  I am feelings much better, my TOY did help a little, indeed.
                                          I feel so good that I just have to do "Dog Dancing"
                                        I think since I work so hard being a dog, I should be pampered
                                        when in the sick bed
But you can't wish too hard if you're a dog, can you?
I don't really need to wish that much, for my biggest wish came true when my humans brought me home to live with them on that dark, cold, snowy night.
                                        Enid x

Friday, 15 March 2013

Gone with the Wind

These last few days I have been "Gone with the Wind"! It has beens so windy I have found myself rather on edge, worried that something might blow away unexcpectedlys.  I have been playing with the wind.I nearly got blown away the other day, since we live up on a   hill,I do like it but get a little agitated.There is something inside me which is crying out to bark at the big wind blowing in my face, an urge to fight the bellowing thing that it is! Of course I don't, My humans would nots understand.

Run, run, run!!!


As fast as I can!

                                                         I  like to jump around with my favourite

I love having my picture taken, I will jump right up at the Camera just to make sure it knows I'm there!

                                                                             Enid x

Monday, 4 March 2013

Goodbye Black Cat

Today I must give you some rather odd but good news. We are re-homing the CAT!!!
Since we are moving (I don't really know what that means) anyway, my humans thought it would be less stressful with only one animal, ME.
Now, even though I have said many things about that CAT which were not completely friendly I really do wish him a good time at his new home!
Meanwhile I have been sorely neglected while my humans go house-hunting, they have been saying I am getting FAT, well, I say poo-to-them, I am lovely as I am, though I would be a little more lovely if they fed me things like MEAT, bread and butter, rice pudding, apples and cheese..... I could list SOOOO many things I'd rather eat than horrid kibble.

I would like you to say a nice farewell to that CAT, or should I call him Enzo? I don't know. Does it matter?
                                                                 Goodbye black Cat

I expect he will love his new home, and I'll have my humans  all to myself!

                                                                     Enid xx